Do you really understand laser cutting metal technology?

Laser cutting is a modern metal processing technology that is widely used in industrial production and manufacturing to accurately cut a variety of metal materials. The following is a popular article on laser cutting of metals, designed to provide some basic knowledge for those unfamiliar with the process.
Basic Principles of Laser Cutting

Laser cutting utilizes a focal point of a high-energy laser beam to irradiate a metal surface, which is heated to a state of melting or even evaporation by the thermal energy of the laser. The laser beam is generated by a transmitter and focused through a series of optical systems into a very small, highly concentrated spot of light. As this spot sweeps across the surface of the metal, it rapidly cuts through the material, while a secondary air stream (usually oxygen or nitrogen) blows away the molten metal produced in the cutting area, keeping the kerf clean and helping the energy to penetrate deeper into the material.
The main types of laser cutting
CO2 Laser Cutting: Uses a carbon dioxide laser and is suitable for cutting both non-metallic and metallic materials, with fast cutting speeds and fine kerfs.

Fiber Laser Cutting: Uses fiber lasers and is mainly used for metallic materials, especially reflective materials such as aluminum and copper, offering the advantages of high energy efficiency and low maintenance.
Advantages of laser cutting
High precision and quality: Laser cutting enables extremely high cutting precision with neat and smooth cuts, virtually eliminating the need for subsequent processing.

Fast and efficient: Compared with traditional mechanical cutting, laser cutting is faster and can accomplish a large number of cutting tasks in a short period of time.

High flexibility: laser cutting can easily adapt to complex cutting patterns and fine cutting contours, making it suitable for customization and small batch production.

High material utilization: because laser cutting has high precision, it minimizes material waste.
Application areas of laser cutting

Laser cutting technology is widely used in a variety of industrial fields, such as automotive manufacturing, aerospace, mechanical engineering, electronic equipment, precision engineering, as well as in the arts and decorative industries. Whether it is the production of complex mechanical parts, fine decorative items or large-scale industrial components, laser cutting provides an efficient and precise solution.

As an advanced metal processing technology, laser cutting is widely favored by industry for its high efficiency, precision and flexibility. As the technology continues to evolve and innovate, laser cutting will continue to expand its use in modern manufacturing, helping industry achieve more automated and intelligent production. For those wishing to learn more about this field, understanding the basic principles and applications of laser cutting is an important step in mastering modern manufacturing technology.

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Post time: Jul-04-2024