tšebeletso ea ho itšeha laser
OEM Custom Aluminium Electronic Equipment Chassis Bending Service
Chassis ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa aluminium, tloaelo e hahiloeng ka tšepe ea tšepe ea setsebi.E tiile ebile e tšoarella, ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ho felisa mocheso.Bokhabane bo khabane, bo totobatsang boleng.Re sebeletsa ka pelo le moea ho fana ka nyeoe e sireletsehileng le e tsitsitseng ea ts'ireletso bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa hau.
OEM tloaelo lakane tšepe moralo tšepe poleiti lebokose le reng
Mokhoa oa ho etsa litšepe le boqapi.Re sebetsa ka ho khetheha ho theheng mabokose a koaletsoeng a tšepe a entsoeng ka bokhabane a bile a entsoe ka bokhabane.Litšebeletso tsa ho itloaetsa ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tse ikhethang le netefatso ea boleng li etsa hore sehlahisoa se seng le se seng e be khetho ea setsebi.
OEM tloaelo boima mosebetsi tšepe foreime tjheseletsa lakane tšepe masela
Foreimi ea tšepe e entsoeng ka tšepe e boima, e hahiloeng ka tšepe e matla haholo bakeng sa mohaho o tiileng le matla a matla a ho jara.Re fana ka ts'ebetso ea profeshenale ea tšepe ea tšepe ho netefatsa hore lintlha tsohle li nepahetse ebile li nepahetse, re u etsetsa sebopeho se sireletsehileng le se ts'epahalang sa ts'ehetso ea indasteri bakeng sa hau.
OEM tloaelo sebetsa tšepe tšepe stainless tšepe foreime tafole maoto
Maoto a foreimi ea tafole ea tšepe e sa hloekang, lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tsa boleng bo holimo tse khethiloeng, tse tiileng le tse tšoarellang, tse hanyetsanang le kutu.Re sebetsa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng ho sebetsana le litlhoko tsa hau tse fapaneng, ho theha foreimi e tiileng le e ntle ea tafole, e le hore sebaka sa hau se be setaele le se sebetsang haholoanyane.
OEM tloaelo lakane tšepe e entsoeng ka boima mosebetsi tšepe tafole foreime
Liforeimi tsa litafole tsa tšepe tse boima li matla 'me li tšoarella nako e telele li na le moroalo o phahameng.Re sebelisa tšepe ea boleng bo holimo, e kopantsoeng le theknoloji e ntlehali ea tšepe ea lakane, ho theha foreimi ea tafole e tsitsitseng le e tšepahalang.Fana ka tšehetso e tiileng bakeng sa sebaka sa hau sa mosebetsi 'me u bontše boleng ba setsebi le ts'ebetso e ntle haholo.
Custom Metal Engineering Industrial Metal Steel Frame Fabrication
Re sebetsa ka ho khetheha ka foreimi ea tšepe ea tšepe e hlophisitsoeng e nang le sebopeho se tiileng le matla a ho jara mojaro.Re sebelisa boqapi bo botle ba litšepe ho theha liforeimi tsa tšepe tsa boleng bo holimo tse khahlang litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa indasteri.Re khethe ho etsa hore merero ea hau e bolokehe, e tšepahale le ho sebetsa hantle.
Benche ea benche e entsoeng ka tšepe e entsoeng ka tšepe e entsoeng ka tšepe
Ka ho khetheha ka ho etsa li-sheet metal, re u etsetsa benche e ikhethang ea thepa ea ka tlung.Moralo o kopaneng, sebopeho se tiileng, se tšoarella ebile se setle.Iketsetse sebaka sa hau sa boiketlo, re khethe ho etsa hore bophelo ba lehae la hau e be ba boleng bo holimo le bo ikhethang.
Lihlahisoa tsa foreimi tsa tšepe tsa OEM li honyela lishelefo tsa tšehetso
Re ipabola ka ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng oa tšepe, lihlahisoa tsa foreimi ea tšepe tse etselitsoeng uena.Mohaho o tiileng, boqapi bo makatsang, ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tse fapaneng.Boleng bo botle le ts'ebeletso e nahanang li etsa hore projeke ea hau e be e phethahetseng haholoanyane, re khethe 'me re thehe bohlale hammoho!
OEM tloaelo tšepe matsapa Sheet tšepe kampetsoeng chassis
Re sebetsa ka ho khetheha ho chassis ea tšepe e kentsoeng ka letsoho e nang le lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo tse khethiloeng le boqapi bo makatsang.Sebopeho se tiileng, ho senya mocheso o motle, tšireletso e phethahetseng ea thepa ea ka hare.Moralo o ikhethileng, ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tse fapaneng, ho theha chassis e ikhethileng, e totobatsang boleng le matla.
Custom Metal Products Fabrication Sheet Metal Enclosures Panel Boxes
Re sebetsa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng oa ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng oa sheet metal, re u etsetsa lebokose la liphanele tsa motho ka mong.Lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo, boqapi bo botle, ho netefatsa hore khetla e tšoarella, e ntle ebile e sebetsa.Boholo bo nepahetseng, bo lekanang hantle, bo fana ka tšireletso e pota-potileng lisebelisoa tsa hau.Re khethe ho etsa hore lihlahisoa tsa hau li hlahelle ho feta!
Custom Sheet Metal Processing Metal Metal Enclosures ea Motlakase
Re sebetsa ka ho khetheha ka mekoallo ea motlakase ea tšepe e sa hloekang, e entsoeng ka lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tsa boleng bo holimo ho netefatsa ho tiea le ho hanyetsa ho bola.Moqapi o nepahetseng, o finyella litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, o sireletsa ka katleho likarolo tsa ka hare.
Ho iketsetsa motho ka mong ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tse fapaneng, ho etsa hore lisebelisoa tsa hau tsa motlakase li bolokehe le ho tšepahala. -
Bracket ea Ts'ehetso ea Ts'ehetso ea Ts'ebetso ea Metal e Tloaelehileng
Foreimi e entsoeng ka tšepe e sa hloekang e nang le likhutlo tse tharo e nang le sebopeho se tiileng le matla a matla a ho jara.Lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tsa boleng bo phahameng tse khethiloeng, tse entsoeng ka ts'ebetso ea tšepe e nepahetseng, e nang le kutu le ho hanyetsa.Boholo le sebōpeho li ka etsoa ho finyella litlhoko tsa maemo a fapaneng a kopo, ho fana ka tharollo e tšepahalang ea tšehetso bakeng sa morero oa hau.